Playing Catch Up California, Florida, Georgia, kentucky, Louisville, Miami, oakland, travelSonya RevellDecember 14, 2012
The Watcher in the Woods California, children, conceptual, kids, landscape, lifestyle, oakland, Personal Work, portraitSonya RevellFebruary 5, 2011
White Christmas in the Bluegrass kentucky, kids, landscape, Louisville, Personal Work, portrait, travelSonya RevellFebruary 2, 2011
Lifesized Children children, kids, Personal Work, portrait, UncategorizedSonya RevellNovember 2, 2010
The Hidden: a novel of suspense (and my first book cover) Book Covers, California, landscape, travelSonya RevellOctober 13, 2010
Lions, Tigers, Performance Artists, OH MY! children, conceptual, editorial, Florida, jpeg magazine, kids, landscape, Personal WorkSonya RevellOctober 12, 2010
Who will be the next Mayor of Oakland? east bay express, editorial, oakland, portraitSonya RevellOctober 12, 2010
Editing Your Own Work for a Portfolio Can be Tricky....and I Need Help! California, children, conceptual, east bay express, editorial, Florida, Georgia, kentucky, kids, landscape, lifestyle, Personal Work, portrait, south florida, travelSonya RevellAugust 11, 2010
Out Takes from the Insider's Guide to the East Bay California, east bay express, editorial, portrait, travelSonya RevellFebruary 24, 2010
Cowboy Poetry Gathering editorial, landscape, Personal Work, portrait, travel, UncategorizedSonya RevellFebruary 22, 2010
Fancy Dance California, landscape, lifestyle, Personal Work, portrait, travel, UncategorizedSonya RevellFebruary 12, 2010