Editing Your Own Work for a Portfolio Can be Tricky....and I Need Help!
I often develop an emotional attachment to certain images, while growing tired of others after staring at them for so long. I also sometimes have trouble connecting the dots and creating a cohesive flow from one image to the next, especially in a printed portfolio. I've gotten some great advice and help with editing already (which is how I got this far) but its still not quite finished. So since I need to stop procrastinating and get this new version of my portfolio printed, I've decided to take an opinion poll. I need to know which version of certain spreads work best, if the spreads flow cohesively from one to the next (picture flipping through a book), and if there are any images that should really just be taken out. So let me know what you think, but please be gentle...I bruise easily.
Spread #1

Spread #2
Spread #3
Spread #4
Spread #5
Spread #6
OR (combination of Spreads #5 and #6, instead of both)
Spread #7 (I don't know how I feel about this one)
Spread #8
Spread #9
Spread #10
Spread #11
Spread #12
Spread #13 (Last Page w/ back cover)