One Voice | Portraits of Mario Arevalo | Boston University CFA
I left my photoshoot with the amazing Mario Arevalo, for Boston University’s CFA Magazine, thinking- wow, I love my job! This was just one of those assignments and subjects that left me with such a good feeling- not only is Mario an extremely talented Opera singer and very photogenic, but he’s also just a kind and thoughtful human, who has used his voice and platform to start a non-profit- Una Voz, Un Mundo—One Voice, One World. (And I mean, he brought a gift for me for goodness sake!) He really was a joy to photograph and just be around and when he belts out a song- WATCH OUT!!!
Also a special thanks to Roger and Ben, over at The Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center, in Davie, FL. These guys made us feel so welcome, were extra accommodating, and were really great to work with as well. Thanks, guys!
Creative Director: Janice Checchio
Article by: Mara Sassoon
Digi Tech: Lock Denis
Lighting Assistant: Dragi Stankovic
Mario Arevalo, Opera Singer and Boston University CFA alum, photographed at The Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center, in Davie, FL.
“Mario Arévalo realized his dream of becoming an opera singer. Now he’s focused on helping the next generation of Latin American musical talent.”
Portrait of Mario Arevalo, on stage at The Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center.
In 2016, he founded the organization Una Voz, Un Mundo—One Voice, One World—dedicated to amplifying the work of Latin American musicians and composers. His first effort was organizing a show at a New York City church, which featured seven performers. “The church was absolutely filled with people. It was so great to see. I was just trying to create a platform for Latin American musicians to have a stage, but I realized there was so much I could do with the organization.”
As Una Voz, Un Mundo grew, offering master classes and more performances around New York, it caught the attention of Carlos García, the secretary general of the United Nations Association of El Salvador, which in 2018 named Arévalo its goodwill ambassador for fine arts and culture. Since stepping into that role, Arévalo has broadened the focus of Una Voz, Un Mundo to also work on elevating the arts in his home country. He started setting aside portions of proceeds from shows and recitals to purchase instruments to donate to schools in El Salvador.
“We’ve already donated more than 100 instruments to various schools, and now my goal is to expand our efforts and help other small schools around Latin America,” he says. “This role has shown me I’m not only a singer, I’m not only a performer, but I also have a voice to impact new generations of musicians. There is so much potential out there, and all these younger generations need are opportunities. That’s why I see Una Voz, Un Mundo being a voice for so many things—it can be a voice for power, a voice for help, a voice for beautiful music, a voice for unity.” -Mara Sassoon, for Boston University CFA Magazine
Mario Arevalo, photographed for BU’s CFA Magazine, by Sonya Revell.