Portrait of Naeem Khan | Wine Spectator
A few months back, I was invited to the Miami pied-a-terre of renowned fashion designer, Naeem Khan, for a photo shoot with Wine Spectator magazine. (You can see the article here, http://www.winespectator.com/webfeature/show/id/Wine-Design-Fashion-Mogul-Naeem-Khan) I didn't have to travel far, as Khan's penthouse apartment is located just a mile from my condo. (Of course, his home and my home are a world apart in terms of scale and furnishings. ;)Khan is known for his colorful and ornate designs, that have attracted the likes of Michelle Obama, Taylor Swift, and Beyoncé. "My designs are like jewelry," he says to me, as we consider shoot locations within his three-story apartment.Naeem, the ever-gracious host during our four-hour shoot, offers my assistant and me espresso and later, kebabs straight from his Japanese grill.With its 20 ft. ceilings, featuring an 11 ft. chandelier, handmade in Indian for Naeem, and floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking Miami, we knew the first portrait would have to be in the living room.Although the weather didn't fully cooperate, we still managed to get a shot, just as the clouds broke, out on his personal pool deck, where he often entertains.The article also ran on People.com, which you can see here, http://people.com/home/fashion-designer-naeem-khan-miami-house-tour/
portrait photography of naeem khan cooking kebabs over a japenese grill
portrait photography of naeem khan standing on a pool deck high above miami
wine spectator magazine spread of naeem khan's home in miami