Portraits of Alan Faena for Forbes
After an amazing work/sight-seeing trip to Europe (more on that to come) it's time to play catch-up with my blog....I'm really excited to share this editorial shoot with Alan Faena, at the Faena Hotel, on Miami Beach, which was commissioned by Forbes back in April. Alan is an Argentine hotelier and real estate developer, not to mention quite the snazzy dresser. (If you do a Google search for him, as I did in preparation for the shoot, you'll see that he has a personal uniform of sorts- always dressed in head-to-toe white, topped off with a white hat...sometimes the hat even has a feather (awesome)...but alas, I wasn't lucky enough to catch him on a day with the feather in his cap.)For Mr. Faena's first portrait, set against the backdrop of the 'Living Room', I wanted to incorporate/match the warm ambient light from the bar, so I threw some warming gels on the flash units used to light him.Faena's namesake hotel is as eccentric and eclectic as the man himself. It definitely made for an interesting setting for a photo shoot.
For our second portrait set-up, I chose the backdrop of the Faena Theater, with its gold columns and vibrant, floor-to-ceiling, pink and red decor.
I got the chance to check out some of the rooms, along with this amazing view, since Forbes also wanted a few over-all shots of the hotel to accompany the story.