Preserving the Past in Palm Beach
Note to self....Don't knock over the priceless painting! That was my first thought upon entering Barbara Stella's pristine studio in West Palm Beach, Florida, where she works to conserve and restore art. Did I mention her resume includes the restoration of pieces by master painters, Rembrandt and Veronese?Once I got over my irrational fear of tripping into a priceless work of art, I had a great time photographing the space and collaborating with Barbara on our Luxe Interiors + Design photo shoot. Barbara handles the art, materials and process with a careful ease and clearly has a sense of reverence for each piece. And her process was fascinating to learn about...sort of like art + archeology + surgery.During the shoot I became a bit obsessed with the two surreal sculptures in the image below....As you can see, the man in red and the man in khaki guard the classical one is getting past these giants (at least that's the story I made up).My second photography spread in this month's Luxe (Palm Beach edition) features Culpepper Nautical Antiques- a really cool place full of shiny nautical treasures. Check out the images below.